

The CRS management team has more than 13 years of operational experience in providing backend and frontend software and technology solutions and technical implementations related to real-time Big Data collection, management, visualization, and analytics for multiple industry sectors. We take pride in using our expertise to provide flexible, tailored, and reliable solutions for our customers.

Leo Desjardins

Managing Partner and Chief Executive Officer

Leo brings 30 years of experience in North American energy sales, marketing, business development and executive management to his role. Prior to Co-Founding Conservation Resource Solutions, Inc. (CRS), Leo held executive positions in the wholesale and retail energy sectors as well as in new technology, application software, and e-Business enterprises in the United States and Canada. His experience and expertise encompasses multiple energy industry verticals, including electricity, natural gas and oil products.

As CEO of CRS, Leo leads the overall business strategy and business development efforts of the company.
Leo’s executive management experience includes positions with Belgium-based Tractebel Electricity and Gas International (now Suez Energy), TransCanada Corporation and Essential.com. Leo was also a Co-Owner of Multi-Energy Inc., a pioneering multi-commodity energy retailer to commercial and industrial consumers, which was acquired in 1997. Leo began his career in the public sector as Director of the Northeast International Energy Program for the New England Governors’ Council where he was responsible for the development of cross-border energy initiatives with Canada in the early 1980s.

Leo is past President and a current board member of the New England-Canada Business Council (NECBC), a Boston-based non-profit entity founded in 1981 to foster increased trade and entrepreneurial networking between the New England region and Canada. He is also a member of the MIT Enterprise Forum.
Leo holds a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Massachusetts and an M.A. in International Affairs with specialization in International Economics from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington D.C.

Todd Moran

Vice President of Operations

Todd brings nineteen years of experience in the IT and energy industry beginning with the early stages of deregulation within the Electricity and Natural Gas sectors through the multitude of competitive market offerings now available throughout North America.
Todd’s experience and expertise includes demand response market design, advanced metering platform deployment, operations management, IT project management, business development, and new product design and evaluation. Todd managed CRS’s rollout of LAN and wireless metering devices from 2004 until 2007.

Todd now manages the overall company operations, which includes strategic operations and financial management and all external vendor and contractor relationships for the company. He also is responsible for overseeing all new project implementations and directly manages the CRS field implementation team. Todd was also the visionary and now the President of New Frequency Inc., which is a wireless solution provider for multiple industries. New Frequency has been developing end to end wireless change of state monitoring solutions since 2008.

Todd was formerly the Operations Manager at UtiliRead where he was responsible for project management, account set-up, meter installations, repair, performance management, and customer training. Todd got his start in the utility industry while serving, as Assistant Executive Director of the Mid-Atlantic Power Supply Association and was heavily involved with industry leaders during the early stages of deregulation of the electricity and natural gas industries. Todd earned his B.A. in Political Science in Legal Studies from West Virginia University

Darrell Hollis

Vice President Network Operations and Chief Technology Officer

Darrell is a true entrepreneur, having helped to build several successful businesses over the past 21 years.
Among these include an advertising and graphic design service founded in the late 90’s that has provided support for everything from small upstarts, corporate giants like The Home Depot, Ashton Woods, Simpsons Properties, and Mosaica Education. Darrell has expert knowledge of internet based marketing, as well as the technologies that support online marketing, videography, photography, and print advertising.
Darrell has combined expertise in IT network operations management, hosted environments, data base management, end-to-end real-time metering technologies and installations, data management services, as well as voice/data integration services. Additional expertise also includes specialized system configurations to ensure effective communication interfaces and data transmission from telemetry devices to application software.

Kevin Keegan

Vice President, Information Technology and Software Development

Kevin brings a broad range of IT experience and expertise to CRS and our customers. Prior to starting CRS with his 3 other partners he worked for GE Global eXchange Services where he developed an e-commerce portal enabling secure B2B access for buyer and supplier communities trading in water management systems. He led a team in developing an EAI system between a power company’s legacy CIS to a third party weather proof billing system. He also co-led a team in the development of an open market B2B website for a power company enabling the competitive resale of electricity in deregulated markets.

At AtlantaStaff, Kevin co-led a team to design an EAI system and its transaction database to integrate the local phone company’s order entry and management system with an existing long distance carrier’s order provisioning systems (including the design and implementation of classes supporting configuration file access, date calculations, TCP/IP communications, and exception management). He also designed and implemented an EAI system enabling real-time query of a local phone company’s customer records supporting competitive resale of local phone services. Kevin also developed an EDI parser, report generator, and database interface for an IBM PC hosted electronic purchase order management system.

Kevin’s previous experience also includes work at Comprehensive Computer Consulting where he worked as a Software Developer for BellSouth Information Systems. He developed code to interface VAX hosted RMS databases with an IBM mainframe via SNA. He also created a network hosted database browser, allowing a central administrator to audit and correct local RMS databases on all nodes of the VAX network.
With 27 years of IT experience, Kevin designs, develops, implements, and manages the middle-tier and back-end IT infrastructure for CRS.

Kevin pursued two years of education at the University of Maryland toward a degree in Engineering and three years at St. Mary’s College of Maryland toward a degree in Theoretical Math.